Friday, October 4, 2013

Organization Bust

       Ok, now into day 4 of my organization challenge for myself......hmm. Have I stuck to the plan I originally set for myself....not so much. Have I cleaned the rooms on the days I originally planned to clean them....mmmm, not so much. Why? Well for starters, I've been cleaning what needs to be cleaned as it needs to be cleaned. Mostly my kitchen and the bathroom. In the mornings on school days, with four children, those two rooms are a wreck. TGIF! So with it being Friday, the kids can come home and clean up their own messes, lol. If I can stand it, I will leave everything right where they left it. 
       I will say, in the past two days I have gotten some crafting done. Have I cleaned up my crafting area......not so much, lol. I am pleased though that I got some type of mojo back. I even missed the season premiere of SCANDAL to craft. Yes! I did!  A little disappointed, but so proud of myself that I showed some restraint and finished some projects.
      A new week is around the corner, will I adhere to the goals I set for myself? I don't know. It seems that everything changes when I make plans. With the kids having all kinds of extracurricular activities, I can never plan out my time the way I would like. It's not as cut and dry as I would prefer it to be. Being a single parent doesn't help either. I have no one else to depend on. So one of them may need to be picked up at 5:30, another one will call and say "Hey ma! Practice is over at 5:45. Can you pick me up?" Well my 2 youngest are usually all ready at home, so do I pick one up and then go and sit and wait for 15 minutes for the other one, leaving my 10 year old and my 13 year old to their own devices? Usually what happens is (because it's happened before) If I'm not there to tell them that dinner is done or that dinner will be late, they come in and start fixing something else, so when it's time for dinner, they don't want to eat. Then! If I fall asleep early (because I don't have a set bed time, I usually just fall asleep on them) they are fixing something else to eat a few hours later and still haven't touched dinner. Very frustrating! Then I wake up to a kitchen that is in complete shambles and everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else as to who made the mess.
     So, my prayer is that we can get on some type of schedule or some people are going to start walking home, lol. Otherwise, my HOME MANAGEMENT BINDER was made for naught! I don't even know what works and what doesn't work in it because I can't stick to it. Lord help me, lol. 
     Well, a new week, another attempt...we'll see how it goes.