Monday, October 24, 2016

No Child Left Behind....

We have to do better with our youth. They are falling by the wayside, being trampled by life,  kicked, strangled and murdered by the devil.. Everyting they see, hear and even taste is perverted. They need to be better equipped for this battle, not by us just beating them but by telling them how to fight. Showing them how to fight. Telling them the consequences of the path they are choosing to take and sharing our own battles as teenagers. They believe we don't understand because we don't share out of shame or the fact that we are still carrying the guilt. There is healing in helping someone else with your testimony. Dragging them to church every saturday or sunday is all well and good, but make it real for them. Explain to them why they need to be there. I didn't really understand how to have a relationship with Christ. They just tell you you need to have one. They tell you to cast all your cares on HIm because He cares for you, well how do i do that? How do I have faith in something I don't understand? That was me as a teenager. Most of the teens in the church are only there because we make them go. They go through the motions with no real connection to the Creator.They have no real understanding of who God is, how to access Him, how or why to believe in Him.
Be that adult that they turn to when they have questions. Stop letting them turn to this currupt world for comfort and someone to understand them. The devil has taken them captive mentally, it's time for us to take them back!
Will they still choose to learn some things the hard way? Of course they will, but we can't give up on them. Will they still do some stuff that we disapprove of? Of course they will, but we can't belittle them and make them feel stupid. God didn't give up on us. The devil will do enough to make them feel worthless. Our relationship with our youth should reflect our relationship with Christ. Is He not our Father and our best friend? Does He not ask that we bring everything to Him and still chastise us when we disobey? IJS
Raising up a child in the way he should go means equip them for the battle...mind, body, and soul. The battle is intensifying and is directed at our youth. If he can take them out now, he won't have to fight them later. We, as vets in this war, need to train the new recuits with wisdom, discipline, and love. No child left behind....
As a parent, I have always been up front and honest with my children. I never sugar-coated my past. Some may frown upon that, but I needed them to know that I had been where they were. I never wanted them to think that I didn't understand and that they couldn't talk to me. Now, with 3 teenage boys and a 20 year old daughter, there is nothing they won't share with me. Do they keep some things to themselves, I'm sure, but for the most part they tell me everything. Some things, as a parent, I don't want to hear, but because I opened the door I have to stand by my word and be there to listen.
In my head, I'm praying for strength, but on the outside I'm the strong, confident woman they have come to know and love. Then I give the best advice based on the Word, including my own life experience and the outcome that could transpire good or bad. I've taken that approach with my children's friends as well. They know they can come to me about anything. I don't want any child to feel like they don't have anyone to talk to.
I don't want any child including mine to feel like they don't matter, like no one cares or loves them. I know what it feels like to feel so alone that life isn't worth living., By the grace of God, however, I'm still standing. The devil couldn't have me, because the Lord had a plan for my life. So much sometimes it's overwhelming, but I refused to give up then and I refuse to give up now. I refuse to give up on these child left behind. Any and every child I come in contact with will know that someone understands and loves child left behind.

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