The enemy has a plethora of lies he tells us on a daily. The greatest lies are those he tells to single women. Anything and everything he can say or do to keep you from your Adam. To those who have been raped or molested or promiscuous, you're dirty and unworthy of love. To those from broken homes, orphaned or adopted, no one will ever love you. To single mother's, this is the best you will ever get. To women who grew up in abusive homes, he doesn't love you if it doesn't hurt. To women raised by single mother's, you don't need a man they're good for nothing anyway. Sooooooo many lies that we fall for, missing out on the greatest gift our Father wants to give us.
As adults we've become good at adapting and surviving, because our pasts dictated that we do so. We've become shells of who we could have been as women. If he can't handle me (my attitude and neuroticism), he's weak. I'm an independent woman, I can't be submissive. Submission is for weak women. No man is going to run over me. I can do everything a man can do, I don't need a man.
I will be the first to tell you, they are all lies! I use to believe them myself. My claim to fame was my independence, being raised by a single mother. I took on the lie because I watched my mother in one bad relationship after the other and decided, I didn't need them. I am a strong black woman, handling mine. I don't need a man. I can fix my own car, fix a leaky pipe, hook up the DVD player, and pay the bills. What do I need a man for? The enemy fights just as hard to keep people single as he does to break up marriages.
Something to think about. Outside of the Sabbath, the Lord blessed and sanctified marriage. Right after He created the universe He ordained marriage. It obviously was important. Keep in mind, the Lord knew how things would unfold. He knew the enemy would deceive Eve and it would cause a rift between men and women for generations. How many times have you heard men say if it weren't for Eve, there would've been no sin? Little do they no....but that's a whole different story for a different time, lol. The enemy has been fighting to break up marriages from the beginning. And if we take into consideration the comparison of God's relationship with us being His bride, it makes sense (to me anyway, lol). The enemy pulls out all the stops to keep us from meeting our bridegroom when He comes back. Never the less, He ordained it anyway. He knew the power that two would have. Where two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be also. He abides in marriage, especially those He ordained and are about His business.
If you prescribe to any brand of deceit, , I emplore you to seek the Father. These lies have hindered us from being our best and receiving the best. These lies have caused the highest rate of depression in women which according to medicine, correlates with heart attacks being one of the top killers of women. Women were not made to carry the weight of their world on their shoulders. Call it what you will, but He Himself said that it is not good for man to be alone. After giving Adam this beautiful garden full of everything he could imagine to eat, he filled it with every creature great and small to occupy his time, yet He knew that it was not be enough. Being three in one in society today is called dissociative personality disorder, schizophrenia, and some other unsavory names which all stem from the enemy as well. So! He couldn't make us exactly like Him, but what He did do was put pieces of Himself into each of us. Not all the same stuff, but when placed with the right "ONE," can have a supernatural affect on the world and the fight between good and evil.
So tell those voices in your head, every time you look in the mirror, that say you don't deserve to be happy, that you are unlovable, that you aren't pretty enough, that you are too fat or too skinny to get behind you. Because you were made in the image of our Father you are more than enough and when you allow Him in to heal your heart, tear down strongholds, and renew your mind; you will be invincible and not of your own volition. You won't have to do anything with your own strength except love the Lord and be obedient, He will do the rest.
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