Now, self diagnosis is not a bad thing as long as there is confirmation, divine confirmation. How do you get divine confirmation? You ask for it. During those moments when you spend time with your Father and you ask Him to reveal those things in you that are not pleasing to Him and fix them. When you ask Him to search your heart. Of course He knows your issues and their origins, but He needs you to realize them so you can release them to Him. The important part is to release them. I held on to mine for years. I used them as excuses not to receive everything the Lord had for me, probably including my Adam. This journey is about releasing all those things that hinder you from being the best you in Christ.
When I was younger I use to think that being a Christian was boring. Being raised SDA, there was so much we couldn't do, so I refused to give in completely. Everyone I looked at that was older just seemed like the most boring people in the world. The things they would come up for us to do just seemed like the lamest things ever. I was young, in my preteen and teen years. So I chose to live a double life. I was (for the most part) and angel at church and a hellion in the street, because the things your friends are doing just seem so much more fun than what the church was doing. I was tired of being called the church girl because I couldn't do anything from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. You know, when all of the dances, all of the games at school, all of the house parties took place on Friday night. I wanted to be normal, according to the worlds definition of normal.
From an early age, I had been having dreams and visions that would come true. I had no idea how to deal with it. I didn't know anyone else that had that "gift," not that shared it with anyone else anyway. So, I carried this burden as a child. If/when I shared it, no one believed me or they dismissed me because I was a child. The first time was the death of my great grandmother. I can't explain how I knew she had passed but I knew. The only adult that was present was my mother's brother who was a skeptic about everything, lol. I said two simple words, "she's gone." I couldn't explain how I knew, I just did. He asked me how I knew and I was just like I just do. Of course, he dismissed it like I didn't know what I was talking about, but sure enough she was gone. From then on, I pretty much kept my visions to myself.
Oh Man! The Holy Spirit just revealed something to me. Thank you Lord. There was a point in my early childhood, I believe 9 years old, that I would go into these deep trance like states. It would make my mother so angry because she thought I was just ignoring her. I talk about it more in detail in my book, but the Holy Spirit just revealed to me that those were the times that He would download things into me and help me resolve some of the things I had been through. Whew! It really explains a lot. It explains why people believed I was much stronger than I was. If He was taking the majority of my pain, pouring into me and showing me things, it makes sense that I'm still standing and didn't commit suicide like the enemy tried to convince me to. God is so good! Which also explains why I've always known my issues and kept the venomous spirit I carried from infecting anyone else.
I know some of this stuff sounds far fetched. Had I not developed a deeper relationship with my Father I probably would have given someone else the side eye had they tried to tell me some of this stuff. But I tell you, when you go deeper in the Lord, He reveals so much. Results may vary though, because everyone is not capable of the depths that some others can go. Or, they weren't meant to go as deep as others. So don't base your results on anyone else's journey, just focus on yours.
World diagnosis....that is a whole different beast. World diagnosis is detrimental to some peoples life. I don't doubt that there are some therapist, psychologists and psychiatrist that can actually help people, but they couldn't help me, lol. For years people tried to get me to see someone. "You need someone to talk to." Little did they know. I journaled daily, the Lord heard my every cry, every day. Me and the Lord had a thing, even when I didn't want a thing with Him, lol. Of course you don't realize it until much later in life, but He was there the entire time. But world diagnosis can kill people literally and/or spiritually. Prescribed medication alters mental function and opens a gateway for things far worse than what the meds are suppose to help, which is also another story for a different time.
World diagnosis never gets to the root of an issue and if it does it doesn't teach you or tell you how to uproot it. How do you get over it, past it? Because it comes from a worldly view, it hardly ever points you to Jesus. Sometimes, even in church, it doesn't teach you HOW to leave your issues at the alter. Yes, everyone has a cross to bear, but the strength to do so only comes from one place. We can not do it in our own strength. When you press into the Lord and seek Him, He will show you what and He will uproot it if you allow Him to.
All the self help books will only get you excited, it will not fix you. The problem begins with the title of this genre of books.....SELF help. If you are a child of God, you know that you can not do it alone. It may appear at times in life, that we are doing it on our own, but guess what! There are only two ways to get the things that we have; we can be agents for the enemy that promises nothing but wealth, popularity, and earthly things, but can not promise you eternal life like being obedient to the Father does. IJS!
Anyway, don't let the world diagnose your ailments. Stop googling your symptoms trying to find homeopathic remedies to cure your spiritual ailments, just open your Bible and seek the Creator. He knew what your ailments would be and only He has the cure!
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