Sunday, March 12, 2017

My Adam and His list

     I was told years ago to make an Adam list. A list containing all the qualities I would like in my husband. The Lord did say write the vision make it plain. So, that's what I did. I must say though, that my initial list was just a rough draft. Superficial, in accordance with my limited exposure. I say that because, as I grew in Christ, my list began to change. As I came in contact with different people I saw things that I hadn't even known were desirable, because I had not been exposed to them. My list transformed much to my surprise. Besides that, I had gone from never wanting to be married, to knowing that I would be married and fighting it, to I actually think I might want to be married. So as my perspective changed, so did my list.
     My Adam has no specific color, race, or creed. He needs only to be a man of God, who believes whole heartedly that Jesus died on the cross for us and rose again. That He is the master of the universe and without Him we can do nothing. He has to know who he is in the body of Christ, his purpose in life, and know for a fact that I am meant to be a part of his purpose and vice versa. Physically, I would prefer him tall...taller than me just isn't saying much and despite my own extra fluffiness, I prefer that he have a nice physique. Call it what you want, I'm just being honest!!!
     Have you taken a good look at your list? Do you even have a list or will you be satisfied with just whatever and whomever? Have you become so desperate that you will chose anyone to escape being alone; to get to know yourself, your purpose in the kingdom, and what you have to bring to the table?
Do you know who you are? Do you know what needs to be worked on within yourself that should probably be done before your Adam arrives?
     Oh! Let me address why I call him my Adam. He can be your Boaz, but give me my Adam. Everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve. If you don't, read the whole Bible and you'll find it. Adam was made first, in the image of God and naked. Set in a beautiful garden, given one of the most important jobs that would affect the entire world even now. Even after those tasks were completed, the Lord decided that Adam should not be alone. He put Adam to sleep took a rib from his side and created Eve. I don't know about anyone else, but that fact alone is powerful to me. The first marriage took the phrase two become one to a whole different level. Adam and Eve never having earthly parents were made specifically for each other. No bad experiences or heartbreak to overcome. No baggage to pull from storage for show and tell, so that your spouse gets to know all of you and what they have to deal with. No walls to be broken down.
     They were in the midst of paradise to enjoy one another and their communion with the Lord. As we also know, the enemy slithered in and deceived Eve and convinced her to sin. We can sit and debate who's fault it was that sin entered the world, we can sit and wonder where Adam was that the enemy was even able to get to Eve, but if we do, we miss the bigger picture. The bigger picture is why did the enemy seek to destroy the first marriage? What was his motivation? Yes, Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, no longer to enjoy life stress free without physical labor; knowing the fullness of God providing all their needs and having a one on one relationship with Him, but there was a deeper motive behind the enemies actions.  One that would curse us for generations.
One that would touch every race, creed, and color; no respecter of persons, financial achievements, IQ,  or geographical location. This one simple deceit, kept anyone from even knowing the fullness of the blessing of marriage and its purpose, because we've been distracted by the blame game and the enemy knew if he could plant one rotten seed, it would sprout rotten fruit and disease the whole institution of marriage through the ages.
     Thusly, my Adam list had to change. Did I really write it out as a guideline for Jesus to follow? No. I was instructed to write it, but made me check my own motives, to gauge my faith, and what I truly believe is my calling and purpose in life. It turned into an outline for what I needed to concentrate on within myself. As I wrote and rewrote and wrote it again, the Lord would ask me specific questions pertaining to me. I was like Lord, this isn't about me, this is about the man you're sending to me. Then He asked, are these the same qualities that you possess? How can you ask me to send you someone with these qualities when you don't possess them yourself? Well! It was like cold water being splashed in my face on a cold, frigid night. It made me check myself. After the enemy decided at that very moment to remind me that I never wanted to get married anyway. Reminding me of all my flaws and issues I used as a barrier between me and marriage.
     I actually listened to his foolishness and slid back into my old way of thinking and in hindsight it didn't take much coercion. Which just let me know, I wasn't completely sold on the idea anyway. I found myself saying the things I had promised the Lord I'd stop saying when people asked if I was married. Because you know there is power in our words. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, what we speak is our reality. The enemy can't read your mind, he can only plant seeds of negativity there, it's not until you speak things aloud that he is privy to our inner thoughts and can act upon them.   
     I completely understand why people are looking for their Boaz. I've read the story, multiple times. I get it. Boaz finds Ruth in his field, gleaning after his handmaids. He takes a liking to her, despite knowing her story, that she was a foreigner and a widow. He was her kinsman redeemer. I know we would like for someone to take us as we are, see us and not our past, love us anyway. I even get that Ruth's life was planned and had already included meeting Boaz, that Ruth was Boaz's rib. I get all of that and I'm not delusional. I know that I am not like Eve. I was not born without sin, like Ruth, I have a history; but there was a purity in the creation of the first marriage. It was purely created for a purpose and while, since the introduction of sin, the purpose has changed, it makes it no less powerful.
     Needless to say, once again the Lord had an opportunity to show me, me. I didn't like it, but I understood. My book is the byproduct of this revelation. These blog posts are part of this revelation. I am passionate about the ministry He's placed on the inside of me and they are burning a hole in my gut, but patience is a virtue He's still working out in me, along with a multitude of other things. Apparently, I am still not ready, so I wait patiently and continue to write.
     I challenge you to make your own Adam/Boaz list, if you haven't already, and see if you measure up. If you don't ask the Lord to fix those things in you that you want to see in your mate. It's amazing how perfect we think we are until the Lord shows us otherwise. I thought I was perfect for me, considering I had no desire to be married. Even had He not said that I would be married, there were things in me that needed to change even to birth the things He put in me. So it was a two-fold assignment. Take the challenge! See how the Lord moves and watch miracles take place in your life.


  1. I take the challenge. Starting on my list. Good infirmation. Keep it coming!!!

    1. Just being obedient. I'll do what I can, lol. Keep me posted on your progress and I will pray for clarity and acceptance as He begins to reveal things to you because it's not always pretty and it can make us want to quit.
